Somatic Therapy

I invite the client to be aware of her/ his body and the subtleties of the reactions in triggering situations. We explore the nervous system reaction patterns, the coping mechanisms of survival, the resources of safety, the patterns of attachment, the needs and wisdom of the body. Using methodologies from Somatic Experience, Integrative Somatic psychology, Polyvagal theory, Sensorimotor psychotherapy among others, I invite the client to learn resilience and embodiment for a better living.

SE® – The Somatic Experiencing® method is a body-oriented approach to the healing of trauma and other stress disorders. It is the life’s work of Dr. Peter A. Levine, resulting from his multidisciplinary study of stress physiology, psychology, ethology, biology, neuroscience. It offers a framework to assess where a person is “stuck” in the fight, flight or freeze responses and provides clinical tools to resolve these fixated physiological states.  Dr. Peter Lavine was inspired by observing how animals’ nervous system work. Although the animal is constantly under stress and threatening situations it does not hold trauma. For more information go to:

ISP™ – Integral Somatic Psychology ™ – is a master professional training developed to improve diverse outcomes and shorten treatment times in all therapy modalities. Based on Western and Eastern psychologies, ISP offers ways to improve outcomes in all therapy modalities through building a greater capacity for a larger range of emotions including the always-present and often-overlooked sensorimotor emotions and using the larger container of body, energy, and consciousness. Developed by Raja Selvam, PhD, a licensed clinical psychologist, ISP has as its scientific basis findings from state-of-the-art research in affect theory, cognitive psychology, the physiology of emotions, the neuroscience of embodied cognition, emotion, and behavior, Somatic Experiencing (SE), Bodynamic Somatic Developmental Psychology, energy psychology, and quantum physics. For more information go to:

Polivagal Theory developed by Dr. Stephen Porges – Distinguished University Scientist at the Kinsey Institute, Indiana University, and Professor of Psychiatry at the University of North Carolina. He develop a marvelous explanation of the 3 vagal nervous systems – the dorsal vagal , the sympathetic vagal and the frontal vagal (relational) that were developed in the various to phases of our development and have their main job of protection, acting and creating bond. As we understand the role of our nervous system and know how to move from one to the other we can restore balance and resilience in front of challenging situations. Polyvagal theory identifies this third type of nervous system response that Porges calls the social engagement system or dorsal vagal, a playful mixture of activation and calming that operates out of unique nerve influence. The social engagement system helps us to navigate relationships. The two other parts of our nervous system function to help us manage life-threatening situations- sympathetic fight-or-flight and parasympathetic or dorsal shutdown, sometimes called freeze-or-faint. Use of our social engagement system- the dorsal vagal on the other hand, requires a sense of safety. For more go to: or